Social Media ROI: A Twittersation w/ Olivier Blanchard

Social media ROI - probably one of the most perplexing issues around.


I will be guest moderating a Twittersation at #smchat on October 7, 2009 with Olivier Blanchard, principal and senior strategist at The BrandBuilder Marketing and social media ROI thought leader. Please join us!


If you’re not familiar with Olivier’s work, I’d recommend checking out his most recent blog post “Calling Foul On Bogus Social Media Experts. Again.” and "The Definitive Social Media ROI Presentation”.


Here’s an initial agenda:


- Quick introductions and why SM ROI is of interest for and/or SM ROI challenges you face. (All attendees)

- The state of SM ROI measurement (Olivier)

- Key steps in effectively measuring ROI (Olivier)

- Other SM ROI considerations (Olivier)

- Addressing SM ROI challenges (Q&A with Olivier and open discussion)


If you'd like to join us, the Twittersation will be held from 1:00 - 2:30 Eastern on October 7th.  I'd recommend using TweetChat rather than Twitter - there's less lag time and the discussion seems to move more smoothly.  Just go to TweetChat, sign in using your Twitter account, and then enter #smchat in the "Hashtag to follow" box.


Hope to see you there!


Print | posted on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:47 PM


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