Wednesday, October 27, 2010 #

28 Oct Innochat Framing: Innovating Around Sacred Cows

Last year I blogged about innovating around sacred cows and the importance of challenging our assumptions regularly to achieve truly breakthrough innovation.


I was reminded of that post last week while listening to Jay Rogers (@johnbrogers) at the PDMA’s Global Conference on Product Innovation Management in Orlando.  Jay is President, CEO and Co-Founder of  Local Motors – a company that, in my opinion, is one of the most creative organizations out there, irrespective of industry.


In just three short years, Local Motors has innovated around just about every sacred cow in the manufacturing world. No mass production, community co-creation of design, and just-in-time production are some of the practices that allow the company to bring new models to market 5 times faster and at 100 times lower cost than tradition auto manufacturers.


With that in mind, this Thursday’s Innochat will be about challenging processes, assumptions, and histories that could dampen innovation. Questions we’ll be addressing are:

Q1: What organizations have done a good job of identifying and innovating around sacred cows?

Q2: What things might have made it possible for them to identify and challenge those sacred cows?

Q3: How can those successes be emulated in our own and/or in our clients’ organizations?

Q4: How can we keep from being held captive by our assumptions?

To join us this Thursday at noon EDT, just go to and enter #Innochat into the search field. And if you can't make it you can check out the transcripts that will be posted afterwards courtesy of @DrewCM.

Looking forward to sharing thoughts and experiences. If we’re lucky, maybe @LocalMotots will be able to join us!



posted @ Wednesday, October 27, 2010 8:18 PM | Feedback (0)

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